Saturday, November 15, 2014

Watch the Global Premiere of Origins the Movie

Watch the Global Premiere of Origins the Movie: From November 13th through November 22nd, watch the feature-length movie Origins for FREE from filmmaker Pedram Shojai. #OriginsFilm @Well_Org

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Kessler > On Paper

Being a painter is really like being an alchemist. Alchemy is transforming lead into gold and painting is transforming base materials into art. The key word is transformation. The obvious starting point for this process of transformation is to take inventory and ascertain the inherent properties of the material you are working with. Unlocking the hidden potential is the challenge. I see many artists forcing their materials to do things that are not natural for those materials. For a painter a simple example would be the ground one is working on and the most important question is to what degree does that ground resist or absorb paint. These are the kinds of fundamental questions one begins with. In order to end up with paintings that seem natural one needs to work with the inherent properties. Recently I have embraced the idea of beginning the paintings on an absorbent paper surface. There is no substitute for this and there is no equivalency in any medium. Paper absorbs paint in a very specific way that no other surface does. The images that result are therefor specific and unique to that particular ground. This is a small but very important example of working with the inherent properties of the material.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Kessler > Upcoming Exhibitions

Here is a new painting that will be included in my forthcoming exhibition at Joseph Geirek Fine Art in Tulsa, Oklahoma which opens September 11th.

Kessler > Upcoming Exhibitions

Here is a set of new works that will be in my forthcoming exhibition in NYC at Cheryl Hazan Contemporary Art which opens September 10th.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Aspen Commission via Ann Korologos Gallery in Basalt, Colorado

Here is the finished painting for my commission in Aspen, Colorado via Ann Korologos Gallery. It is nearly 4 feet high by 8 feet long and acrylic on a single wooden panel. Thank you Ann Korologos and Julia Cochran Novy I am most grateful for this lovely project!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kessler > 3 New Sunbeams Paintings

Each piece is 60" x 27" and they can be installed vertically or horizontally.

Shipping Art

>>>correction<<<3,195 mi Distance from Santa Fe, NM to Maui

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

Kessler > Sunbeams (1 and 2)

Discovered a new yellow for ME here and a new way to use it as well. There are some paintings to "unearth" now.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


It's a new year and I've tapped into a nice new vein of work here. These paintings are comprised of 5 panels each measuring 60" x 10" with overall dimensions of 60" x 50". I like the new format and it is generating lots of new and exciting compositions. My Son is producing the panels and he is getting very good. He is sanding the edges smooth and even so it is easy to "mend" the panels together with bolts. I found these really wonderful plastic wing-nuts on Amazon and also a neat little right-angle drill for drilling the holes in these tight spots. These works bolt together quickly and easily and they break down fast too so the shipping is a breeze and the cost is a fraction of the normal full-panel-cost.

Here are the ten panels with space between them. Each panel is 60" x 10".